English Medium
(SL No. 01): Modular 01: Test 01- History
Group A
The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship and main Features
Origin of the Aryans
Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature, society, economy, and religion during early (Rig Vedic) Period
The Lichchavis and their republican constitution.
Group B
The Arab invasion of India
The Ghaznavid invasion of India
The Delhi Sultanate : Market and Military reforms of Allauddin Khilji : Utopian policies of Muhammad- bin – Tughlaq.
Group C
Beginning of European settlements : formation & growth of East India company ; Consolidation of British Power in India : Battles of Plassey and Buxar ; control over Mysore, Subsidiary Alliance ; Doctrine of lapse ; Doctrine of Escheat.
Resistance to Colonial rule : Peasant; Tribal and cultural Renaissance; RevoIt of 1857.
* Social reforms movements in Hindu Community : Brahma samaj, Arya samaj, Ram krishna Mission, Prathna samaj and Theosophical society of India.
Group D
Adi-Dharma i.e. Sarna cult of Jharkhand Tribals.
Concept of Sadan and emergence of Nagpuria language.
(SL No. 02: Modular 02) : Test 02- History
Group A
The rise of the Magadha Empire
The Mauryas – Extent of Empire, Kalinga war and its impact ; Asoka’s Dhamma, Foreign Policy, Development of art and architecture during the Mauryan Period.
The kushanas : kanishka : Extent of Empire, His religious Policy ; Development of Art, Architecture and letters during the kushana Period.
The Guptas: Extent of Empire ; development of language and literature, art, architecture during the Gupta Period.
Group B
The Mongol invasion of India
Religious movements- Sufism , Bhakti movement
Dawn of a New Islamic culture
Indo-Islamic architecture; Development of Urdu and Hindi languages.
Group C
Social reform movements in Muslim community : Wahabi movement and Aligarh movement.
struggle for raising women’s status : – Abolition of sati System, widow marriage Act, Consent bill, Stress on female education.
Land revenue administration under the British rule : Permanent settlement; Ryotwari and Mahalwari system.
Group D
Tribal revolts in Jharkhand and Nationalist struggle
Birsa Movement
(SL No. 03 : Modular 03) : Test 03- History
Group A
Harsh Vardhana : The last great Hindu ruler of northern India ; cultural Achievements during his Period.
The Cholas : Maritime activities in south-east Asian countries, Chola Administration, Art and Architecture.
Cultural achievements of the Pallavas.
Group B
The Mughals : first battle of Panipat; Achievements of Sher shah suri, Consolidation of Mughal Empire ; Establishment of Jagirdari and Mansabdari systems under Akbar, Akbar’s religious and Rajput Policies, Aurangzeb’s religious and Rajput Policies, Mughal Architecture and Painting, Economic condition during Mughal
The rise of Marathas : –
Group C
Rise of nationalism in India in the 19th Century : formation of Indian National congress : Moderates and Extremists ; swadeshi movement, Home rule league movement ; Khilafat movement.
Mahatma Gandhi and mass politics : Non-cooperation movement, civil- Disobedience movement, Quit India movement.
The Partition of India and its Consequences.
India after independence : Integration of Princely states in Indian union, Linguistic Reorganization of states; Non – Aligned Policy under Nehru and Indira Gandhi, Liberation of Bangladesh.
Group D
Tana Bhagat movement
Freedom Movement in Jharkhand.
(SL No. 04 : Modular 04) : Test 01- Geography
Group A
Origin and evolution of earth, interior of earth, Wegner’s continental drift theory,
Plate tectonics, volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis.
Major types of rocks and their Characteristics, evolution and Characteristics of landforms in the fluvial, Glacial, Arid and Karst regions
Geomorphic processes ; Weathering, mass wasting, erosion and deposition, soiI – formation, Landscape cycles, ideas of Davis and Penck.
Group B
Structure, relief and physiographic divisions, Drainage systems : Himalayan and the Peninsular.
Indian Monsoon, mechanism, onset and retreat, Climatic types ( Koppen and Trewartha ), Green revolution and its impact on major crops of India . food scarcity.
National vegetation – forest types and distribution, wild life, Conservation, Biosphere reserves.
Group C
Land Resources : General land use, Agricultural land use, geographical condition and distribution of major crops like rice, wheat, cotton, jute, sugarcane, Rubber, Tea and coffee.
water Resources – Availability and utilization for industrial and other purposes, irrigation, scarcity of water, methods of conservation – rain water harvesting and watershed management, ground water management.
Group D
Geological history, landforms, Drainage, climate, soil types and forests ; agriculture and irrigation, Damodar and Suberna Rekha valley Projects; mineral resources of Jharkhand, their extraction and utilization.
(SL No. 05 : Modular 05) :Test 02- Geography
Group A
Composition, Structure and Stratification of the Atmosphere.
Insolation, Heat budget of the Earth
Horizontal and Vertical distribution of temperature, inversion of temperature(IOT).
Air Masses and Fronts, Tropical and Temperate Cyclones.
Group B
Major types of Soils ( ICAR classification ) and their distribution. soil degradation and Conservation.
Natural Hazards : floods, droughts, cyclones, Landslides.
Population growth, distribution and density.
Group C
Minerals and Energy Resources: Distribution and utility of (a) metallic minerals (iron ore, copper, bauxite, manganese) (b) non-metallic and conventional minerals (coal, Petroleum and natural gas) (c) Hydro electricity and non conventional Sources of energy ( Solar, wind, bio-gas ) ( d ) energy sources, their distribution and Conservation.
Development of industries : Types of industries ; factors of industrial location, distribution and changing pattern of selected industries (iron and steel, cotton textile, sugar and Petro chemicals )
Group D
Population : Growth, distribution, density, Tribal Population and their distribution, Problems of Tribes and Tribal development Plans, their customs, rituals, festivals etc.
(SL No. 06 : Modular 06) : Test 03- Geography
Group A
Evaporation and Condensation : dew, frost,fog, mist and cloud, rainfall types.
Classification of climates ( koppen and Thornthwaite), Greenhouse effect, global
warming and climate Changes.
Hydrological cycle, distribution of temperature and solicits in the oceans and seas,
Waves, tides & Currents, Ocean floor relief features.
Group B
Age : sex, ratio, rural Urban Composition.
Population, environment and Development.
Types of settlements : rural and urban, Urban morphology, functional classification of Urban settlements, Problems of human settlement in India.
(SL No. 07 : Modular 07) : Polity & Public Administration (Test 01)
Part A : Indian Constitution & Polity
Preamble of Indian Constitution (Secular,Democratic and Socialist)-Philosophy behind it.
Salient features of Indian Constitution. Concept of Public Interest Litigation(PIL ) ; Basic structure of the Indian Constitution.
Fundamental Rights & Duties
Directive Principles of state policy
Part B: Public Administration & Good Governance.
Public Administration : Introduction , meaning , scope and significance.
Public and Private Administration.
Personnel Administration.
Development Administration.
(SL No. 08 : Modular 08) : Polity & Public Administration ) TEST 02
Part A: Indian Constitution & Polity.
Union Government:
(a) Union Executive :Powers and Functions of President , Vice President , Prime Minister and the Council of ministers : Functioning under a Coalition Government.
(b) Union Legislature : Lok sabha and Rajya sabha : Organisation and Functions; Parliamentary Committees; Parliament’s control over Executive ; Privilages and immunities of Parliament and its members.
(c) Union Judiciary: The Supreme Court : Its role and Powers Principles of Natural Justice & Rule of law . Judicial Review and Judicial Activism.
State Government
(a) State Executive :
(b) State Legislature:
(c) State Judiciary:
(d) The Panchayats and the Municipalities.
Centre-State Relationship: Administrative ,Legislative and Financial.
Part B : Public Administration & Good Governance
Union administration : Central Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat , Prime Minister’s office, Planning Commission, Finance Commission.
State Administration : State Secretariat , Chief Secretariat , Chief Ministers office.
District Administration : Origin and Development of the office of the District Magistrate and Collector ; Changing Role of the District Collector ; Impact of the separation of Judiciary on District Administration.
Delegation , Centralization and de-centralization of authority.
(SL No. 09 : Modular 09 : Polity & Public Administration ): TEST 03
Part A: Indian Constitution & Polity.
Provisions relating to administration of schedule areas and schedule tribal areas.
Special provisions relating to reservation of seats for SC and ST in Legislature , services etc
Emergency provisions of the constitution .
Comptroller & Auditor-General of India (CAG).
Election Commission.
Political Parties and Pressure Groups.
Part B : Public Administration & Good Governance.
Disaster Management Causes , Meaning and Classification of Disaster ; Disaster Mitigation: Immediate and Long term measures.
Good Governance .
Human Rights.
(SL No. 10 : Modular 10) : Economics :Test 01
Group A
National Income – Elementary concepts of national income and methods of its calculation e.g. GDP, GNP, NDP,NNP, GSDP, NSDP, DDP at Constant and current Prices, at factor cost etc.
Inflation – concept, control of inflation : monetary, fiscal and direct measures.
Demographic features : Work force composition, demographic dividend with Special reference to census 2011; national Population Policy. Agriculture and Rural Economy : Importance of agriculture in national economy ;
Agricultural growth in India – Production and Productivity; causes of low Productivity and measures taken by govt. to improve agricultural Production ; Green revolution, Ever green revolution and rainbow revolution ; WTO and agriculture, marketing and Pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs.
Group B
Meaning and measurement of economic Development : characteristics of under Development.
Indicators of development : HDI, GDI, GEM: India’s HDI Progress.
Role of Foreign capital and technology in growth of economy.
Sustainable development : concept and indicators of sustainable development ; economic, social and environmental sustainability; concept of green gdp, strategy and Policy for sustainable development in India.
Group C
New economic reforms – Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, rationale and need for reforms, international financial institutions, IMF, world Bank, WTO, their role and impact on Indian Economy.
financial and Banking sector reforms, economic reforms and rural banking impact on rural credit : Sources and Problems of rural credit, Institutional credit, SHG, micro finance, NABARD, RRB’s, scheduled Commercial Banks, rural – cooperatives, financial inclusion
Group D
Economic growth and structure of Jharkhand’s economy, sectoral composition, growth in SDP and Per capita NSDP in last decade, Agricultural and industrial growth in Jharkhand.
Demographic features of Jharkhand : Population growth, Sex ratio, density, literacy, composition of work- force, rural – urban composition etc. with special reference to census of 2001 and 2O11, inter district variations
(SL No. 11 : Modular 11): Test 02- Economics
Group A
Industrial Economy : Policy initiative and changes
Public finance : nature, importance and scope of Public finance; Public Revenue – Principles and types of taxation; direct, Indirect, Progressive and Proportional, concept of VAT.
Public Expenditure : – Theories of public expenditure ; causes of growth of Public expenditure and its impact on economy, internal and external borrowings.
Budget : Principles of budgeting ; types of budgeting – Performance based, zero- based FRMD.
Group B
Meaning of inclusive growth and Development Policy and strategy during 11th and 12th five year Plans.
Development status and issues pertaining to socially and economically marginalized sections like STs, SCs, religious minorities, backward castes, women, schemes launched for their development by central and state governments, including TSP, SCSP and minorities.
Poverty and unemployment, measurements and trends, identification of BPL families, HPI, Multidimensional Poverty Index.
Group C
Globalization of Indian economy , its positive and negative impact on different sectors, Issues of FDI and FII in India.
Agricultural sector reforms and its impact on growth, issues of subsidies, and public investment on agriculture, reforms and agrarian crisis.
Group D
Status off Poverty, Unemployment , food security , malnutrition , education and Health Indicators in Jharkhand, major programmes schemes, Poverty Alleviation program, PURA, Bharat Nirman, MGNREGA,SGSY, IAY, NRLM,etc Food security scheme.
Group A (Physical Science)
System of Units : MKS, CGS and SI
Definition of speed, velocity, gravity, mass, weight, force, impact, work, Power and energy.
Group B (Life Science)
The living world, cell structure and its function,diversity of organism
Bio Molecules – Structure and function of carbohydrates, Proteins and fats, Vitamins and deficiency diseases, Enzymes, Hormones – Plant Harmones and growth regulation, Animal hormones and their functions.
Group C (Agriculture Science)
Different agro-climatic zones of Jharkhand, rain fall pattern and known abiotic stresses in each zone.
Rain fed agriculture : conventional food and horticultural crops of the state, need for diversification of crops for food as well as nutritional security in the wake of Climate change ; Rain water harvesting and its role in improving agricultural output in Jharkhand; fish farming.
Group D (Environmental Science)
Concept of Ecosystem, structure and function of Ecosystem, Natural resources ,Renewable and non-renewable resources, environmental Conservation – in situ and ex- situ Conservation.
Group E ( S&T Development)
National Policy on science and Technology : Energy demand of the country ; conventional and Non – conventional sources of energy. Nuclear Energy : its merit and demerits : Trends in nuclear Policy, NPT and CTBT.
(SL No. 13 : Modular 13) : Test 02- Science
Salar system, relative position of Earth with respect to sun and other planets, movement of earth and moon in solar system, lunar and solar eclipses.
Group B
Cell reproduction – cell cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis.
Group C
Soil fertility status of jharkhand- Application of vermi Compost and farm yard manure ( F Y M ) for improving soil health. Nitrogen fixing bacteria ; their applications and concept of organic farming.
Group D
Pollution – Air, water, sound and soil, solid waste management, Biodiversity : concept, hotspots, threats to biodiversity ; Global environmental issues: Climate change, Global warming, ozone layer depletion.
Group E
Space technology – Indian space Programmes, Application of satellites for different Purposes. Indian missile Programmes ; Remote sensing : G I S and its application in weather forecasting, disaster warning, mapping of water, soil, and mineral resources etc.
Use of Biotechnology in Agriculture, Animal breeding, Pharmaceuticals, food technology and environmental conservation : Possible adverse effects of Biotechnological interventions.
(SL No. 14 : Modular 14) : Test 03- Science
Group A
Concept & nature of sound, wave length and frequency, infrasonic and ultrasonic Sounds,Sources of infrasonic sound in nature, ultrasonic sound characteristics and Some applications.
Group B
Medallion Inheritance – Monohybrid and Dihybrid cross, sex linked Inheritance, Sex determination, DNA structure and function, DNA Replication, Protein synthesis, Gene – Regulation, Molecular basis of differentiation.
Theories of evolution of life on earth, including Human Evolution.
Group C
Concept of Agro – forestry, waste lands and means to reclaim them.
Govt schemes for the benefit of the farmers of the state.
Group D
Acid rain, Desertification, Environmental laws- The environment( Protection ) Act, The Air( Prevention and control of Pollution ) Act, The water ( Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, forest Conservation Act.
Group E
Information technology : computers and its application in Data Processing, data Programmes, cyber crime and cyber laws. National health Policy : national Programmes for Prevention and Control of malaria, Leprosy, T.B., cancer, Aids, Blindness etc.
# Sectional Tests
SL No. 15 – Test 015_ Modular 01 + Modular 04
SL No. 16 – Test 016 – Modular 02 + Modular 05
SL No. 17 – Test 017 – Modular 03 + Modular 06
SL No. 18 – Test 018 – Modular 07 + Modular 08 + CA Editorials (June-Aug 2022)
SL No. 19 – Test 19 – Modular 08 + Modular 09 + CA Editorials (Sept – Nov 2022)
SL No. 20 – Test 20 – Modular 10 + CA Editorials (Dec 2022-Feb 2023)
SL No. 21 – Test 21 – Modular 11 + CA Editorials (March – May 2023)
SL No. 22 – Test 22 – Modular 12 + Modular 13 + CA Editorials
SL No. 23 – Test 23 – Modular 13 + Modular 14 + CA Editorials
# Categorical
SL No. 24 – History of Jharkhand + Geography of Jharkhand
SL No. 25 – Test 25 – Economy of Jharkhand
SL No. 26 – Test 26 –Second ARC; Budget; Economic Survey, Sarkaria Commission, Pay Commission, Other Important Reports & Indices.
# Full Length Tests
SL No. 27- Test 27 – Social Science (History & Geography )- Paper III
SL No. 28- Test 28 – Indian Constitution & Polity , Public Administration & Good Governance – Paper IV
SL No. 29 – Test 29- Indian Economy, Globalization & Sustainable Development- Paper V
SL No. 30 – Test 30- General Science , Environment & Technological Development- Paper VI
# Language & Literature
SL No. 31 – Test 31 – Language & literature – Sectional
SL No. 32 – Test 32 – Language & Literature – Sectional
SL No. 33 – Test 33-Language & Literature – Full Length
SL No. 34 – Test 34 – Paper III (Morning) & Paper IV (Evening)
SL No. 35 – Test 35 – Paper V (Morning) & Paper VI (Evening)
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Mayur Sagar –
One of the best Mains Test Series Program, with premium quality content n awe inspiring interface with mentors…thanks Team excelNsee IAS 👍